What does resistance have to teach us?

Resistance part one -

Resistance has a lot to teach us - when we know how to work with it.

Like his pesky cousin fear, resistance often shows up when we are doing something new, changing a habit or in a new layer of our growth.

Resistance shows itself in many forms; procrastination, excuses & plain old giving up to name a few.

Resistance is a bit like our inner 3 year old, stamping & throwing a tantrum when things get hard.

Resistance flares up for a few reasons:
1) Because of the way our brain processes new information. The Pre Frontal Cortex is the bit that does this. He’s super awesome at this stuff, but tires out quickly. (You will know this to be true if you’ve ever tried to learn a new skill & quickly got tired & frustrated!)

2) Fear of Judgment or push back from others.
When we start creating life changing behaviours, not all our friends & family will be on board. Fear of their reaction or their resistance can trigger our own.

3) Not having a solid why.
When we make the commitment towards life changing growth, we need a solid why to spur us on. Without this we can get shaky in our boots & throw the towel in quickly.

Have you experienced resistance lately?

In part two, we talk about moving through resistance into growth xx


From resistance to growth