What does it mean to drop into your body?

I’m aware that phrases like this can sound like something folks say to seem more spiritual.

No shame if you’ve felt that way - I have at times.

But then I started feeling the sensations of actually being in my body; coming back to her - dropping in.

She is so much more, this sacred body. More than a vehicle to get you to & from the supermarket. More than a target for your frustration when she doesn’t look the way you think she should.

The path to self reverence is a complex masterpiece. An undoing & relearning. A shift, then another & another.

It is a virtual impossibility in this world, to live in a constant state of mindfulness, every hour of every day.

But we can remind ourselves to drop back in. To feel our body, to move our hips to the sound of our breath & take a sweet moment to honour this vessel.


You are more than the sum of your titles