You are more than the sum of your titles

You are a goddess in your own right -

I am proud to be a mama. Bringing those babes to my chest for the first time is some of my defining moments. But the title of mother does not entirely define me. Nor does the title of lover, daughter or any other. I am all of these things - proudly so. But I am equally as valuable as a woman in my own right.

It is the qualities I bring to each of my roles that truly defines me; my strength, my patience, my unwavering love, compassion, sensuality.

How we define ourselves is an important container of self love. Giving ourselves over to our titles, leaves little room in life for anything else.

Nurturing our own true essence is vital to living life rich with possibilities & continuing to bring our beautiful selves fully into all that we do.


What does it mean to drop into your body?


From resistance to growth